General Dentistry



Interactive Dental Patient Education Videos, Animations,
and Models with Chapter2Dental
Chapter2Dental is a dental patient education app. It is designed to help patients make the best decisions for their dental health. Empower your team with the leading digital patient engagement app.
The unparalleled interactive design makes it easy to understand dental diseases and treatments. The superior patient-friendly graphics communicate high quality of care. Take your patient experience to the next level, build loyalty and increase case acceptance with the best chairside dental app.
Elevate patient education and grow your practice with Chapter2Dental.
Made for Dental Patient Education and Case Acceptance
A Dental App Easy to Use for All
Say goodbye to typodont and paper doodles. The interactive animations, dental models and videos are super easy to use for all.
Use it on All Your Devices
Engage with superior video graphics and patient friendly visuals on computers and tablets in every room.
Send Patient Education Videos
Instantly share videos of treatments, diseases and consequences of no-treatment with patients at home.

Olivier Sefler

Dr. Mazen Dagher
Co-Founder and
Chief Medical Officer

Jeff Galamszegi
Co-Founder and
Director Customer Success